Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy new murine Year of the Rat

Dear friends (hey, we know it’s mostly just us talking but we may as well be polite),
We know, we know. We've been slacking on the blog. We promise we'll have new posts up by next week. We can do better!
Hope you're all doing great and didn’t get too stressed out over the holiday season. We're enjoying the New Year spirit and feeling extremely thankful for all your support and friendship in 2007. We wish you the most wonderful Year of the Rat possible -– crisis-, worry-, and pest-free.
(We also wish for you a 2008 blessed with cheap fuel, splendid sunshine, on-time flights, first-class upgrades, stylish finds, continued health, good food, more stylish finds…)

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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